sábado, 28 de enero de 2012

Hi everyone!

I think that the people, usually have exceptions, even not to visualize the matter of that our planet is tired.  Sometimes I see people who throw away a pack of ice creams in the road or on the bus, or who waste the water while they have a shower, or they do not reduce vegetable rubbish.

These habits can be internalized in the people, and I think it is because they do not know places or examples of environmentally friendly practices, or someone little practices for help as our environment, for example, we need to print only important documents, reuse the school notebooks, and switch off the lights when they are not being used. 

In my habits, I recycle plastic bottles to make seedbeds, and to sell as men who collect them in cars.

For to reduce my carbon footprint, I reduced the use electric energy, and I when sweeping my garden I hosed down for not to raise dust. Other way for to reduce my carbon footprint is planting quillay in my garden, because the quillay contribute a lot oxygen and to absorb carbon dioxide, because the quillay is an evergreen tree.

In Santiago oversight lack industries , for example on Quilicura, Huechuraba, etc, because these industries expel toxic fumes on the night. This practice is very usual and to deteriorate air quality, and the people emigrate at others areas where the air quality better, but while the it fertile land are held to build and disappear.

Is a vicious circle and we can reality change.

You Join ! 

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Caro. The ideas that you suggest to care for the environment are very simple and quotidian =). I think that would be great if more people acquire these habits.
    Kisses =)
