sábado, 28 de enero de 2012

Hi everyone!

I think that the people, usually have exceptions, even not to visualize the matter of that our planet is tired.  Sometimes I see people who throw away a pack of ice creams in the road or on the bus, or who waste the water while they have a shower, or they do not reduce vegetable rubbish.

These habits can be internalized in the people, and I think it is because they do not know places or examples of environmentally friendly practices, or someone little practices for help as our environment, for example, we need to print only important documents, reuse the school notebooks, and switch off the lights when they are not being used. 

In my habits, I recycle plastic bottles to make seedbeds, and to sell as men who collect them in cars.

For to reduce my carbon footprint, I reduced the use electric energy, and I when sweeping my garden I hosed down for not to raise dust. Other way for to reduce my carbon footprint is planting quillay in my garden, because the quillay contribute a lot oxygen and to absorb carbon dioxide, because the quillay is an evergreen tree.

In Santiago oversight lack industries , for example on Quilicura, Huechuraba, etc, because these industries expel toxic fumes on the night. This practice is very usual and to deteriorate air quality, and the people emigrate at others areas where the air quality better, but while the it fertile land are held to build and disappear.

Is a vicious circle and we can reality change.

You Join ! 

viernes, 20 de enero de 2012

We Go To The Beach... Uho Oh Oh Oh

Hello People!

In this post I will talk about the importance of vacations of we lives. When I going to vacations, I feel very relax, although sometimes is difficult me not remember my duties during some days. In spite of, go to vacations is necessary for revitalize we lives, and the relations with our family, friends, or with who to spend one’s vacations. This year I will go to beach during four days. I will go to San Carlos beach, in the El Tabo area. There is a house that belong aunt of my boyfriend, and we will get there in car. We will to leave during morning for to make the most of time. This not is first time that we are  going at San Carlos, so two months ago we traveled there.

In this opportunity, I wish to go at others beach, for example Las Cruces, Algarrobo, and eat most fish, because I like very much the preparations with fish. I would like also to visit the Pablo Neruda home’s, and to visit places unknown. Also, with my boyfriend we would like to arrange the garden of the house , because the garden to be very neglected.

For the vacations we do not have much time left, and I im very happy for this.

Best Regards! 

domingo, 15 de enero de 2012

Raise Limit On Infant Class Sizes In Primary Schools.

Hi Classmates!

In this oportunity, I will talk about a article of The Guardian, reffered to the posible raise on limit class size in the primary schools of London. 

Because the impact of soaring birth rates, different local authorities of London support  the idea of changed legislation that,  up to the year  1998 to let that the limit class size primary schools  not exceed to 30 pupils.

In someone schools, the authorities had spent  £ 274,ooo hiring extra teachers and like that to keep the legal limit in the room.

Figures show that by 2015, 450.000 children will need of more primary schools.

The concillior  Liberal- Democrat Simon Shaw,  pointed that principal problem is that the class size limit of 30 es very rigid, and this not consider the actual context.

Someone politic groups to lobby for that there a new legislation about class size limit on primary schools, as the government position’s is unchanged for support this reform.  

This refusal it because in the good learning, is not ideal that in the classroom there many childrens, said Department for Education spokeswoman., but they are building more free school for raise capacity in places where shortages schools and so  give alternative solution for this problem.

More information here

Best Regards! 

lunes, 2 de enero de 2012

Just My Imagination ? Maybe...

Hi Everyone!

When me ask about what country i would like visit, is hard for me to decide for one, being that if I have more lifes, I will like travel to several that interest me on diverse aspects. first , I would like visit Ireland,  its rocky countryside and coastal, and  forest, and also for to learn about celtic culture, that it to relate at this island. Since little girl interesting me this culture, its traditions, its origin and the legends around of this. 
For to go to study and specializing in my profession, I would like visit Argentina, and living there during some time, for introducing me in the pedagogical investigations and I to know others learning  latinoamerican contexts. Also I would like to know other provinces and others landscape. 

In other way, also I would like visit France and Italy, because interest me very much its culinary customs and its life vision , in spite of that many times the cinema show us stereotype the visions. I would like to live this form of see to life.

As you can see, I wish  visit many sites, but for this I need time enough  for enjoy and I don’t missed details about this countries, and also I need enough money that let’s me achive my dream.

See you in other post!

Best Regards!  

miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2011

Celcius Semester

Hi everyone. In this opportunity I will talk about this new summery term at the university. This situation have its advantages and disadvantages. About the classes, I have to tell you that I’m taking seven subjects, of which my favorite is philosophy with children. This is a aspect to rescue. But when I think about the heat, the uncomfortable that I feel in the classroom, and this the desire to go to considerably down. However, in this semester I get back to meet my university friends, and this makes me feel happy. This semester, although even unusual, will allow me feel news experiences, for example work in children’s home and this form I can approach a new educational contexts and to begin my thesis project with my classmates and university friends. I have the wish and the volunteer that this new stage to be profitable.

See you in other post.
Best Regards! 

My Favorite Place